My blog offers free advice for anyone in the escort/companion industry. It's way more fun than stalking people on facebook.
Oh, and the escorts? Always REAL girls. : )

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Should I Wear Perfume when I see a Client?

Hellllllllllllllll, NO.  And here's why.

1.  Some people  (often men) are allergic to the ingredients in perfume. I don't care how kinky and fetish you are - sneezing, rashes and hives do not a pleasant session make.

2.  Even if they are not allergic, many clients find perfumes offensive.  Some of the most expensive scents on the market are just plain foul.  Ambergris (whale puke) anyone?

3. Most perfumes contain alcohol, which makes them last as long as possible.  They are also easily transferable.  Let me assure you, afternoon incall clients don't want to return to an office reeking of patchouli and honeysuckle.

4. Escorts who "act" as close to their actual selves as possible are always the most popular.  Don't wear perfume just to pretend to be someone you aren't.  If you wear perfume on a daily basis already, please go easy on the spritz when you have appointments scheduled.


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